Monday, March 12, 2012

At the DSO with George Takei

Say what you want about pops concerts, I had a blast on Sunday.

At the last minute, I found out that George Takei was going to be in the house when the Detroit Symphony Orchestra did a Sci-Fi themed pops concert. I was SO there.

I'm not a big Star Trek fan, but I am a HUGE fan of George Takei the LGBT activist and humanitarian. If you do not currently follow him on Facebook or Twitter, do it now. He is equally hilarious and wise. He's also leading a social media unification movement of "Star Folk" (both Wars and Trek) against the atrocities of the Twilight Saga. (I'm sorry Team Sparkle, pick up an Anne Rice novel and get an education.)

Anyways, I was really excited to hear some sweet Sci-Fi film music (a.k.a. the John Williams show) and see Mr. Zulu in person. There was no meet-and-greet with Mr. Takei, but it was worth it just to hear him speak onstage. He did a moving intro to the Star Trek music, and performed the final speech from The Day the Earth Stood Still.

It was actually very relaxing to go to a chill pops concert after attending a string of more "serious" works. It was exciting to hear iconic film music played by a really good ensemble, rather than XYZ High School concert band does "Selections from Star Wars." It ended up being a bucket list item I didn't know I had.

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