Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Summer Solstice that sneaked up on me.

Oh em gee, I can't believe it's June already. Scratch that: June is almost over and I haven't written at all this month.

The following is a list of reason/excuses for not writing in the past 3 weeks:

A. Corey's parents and aunt visited us for a couple of days. We have a great time dining out, visiting the Detroit Zoo, and showing them around Ann Arbor.

B. We are moving NEXT WEEKEND. We have until the 15th to completely vacate our old place, but the 30th was the only day we could get enough friends together to help us move the big stuff. As such, I've been spending a lot of free time packing. We get the keys to out new place on the 29th, and I am so stoked. It's a two-bedroom in Ann Arbor proper and a five minute drive to my office. I'll post pics when we get in. :)

C. I finally started, and finished, the Hunger Games series. I don't want to get too into discussing it, but it was awesome. Two thumbs up, and I can't wait to see the rest of the films. (P.S. Team Gale if you were wondering, but ::SPOILER ALERT:: I wasn't disappointed with how it ended.)

D. The countdown to Italy has started. 26 days until we take off, spend the weekend in NYC, then a week in Pavia. I've been preparing by shopping, mental packing, and studying my phrase book.

E. The Ann Arbor Summer Festival is in full swing! I had only heard rumors of it's awesomeness, but it far exceeds my expectations. Its so great that the community comes together to create and support almost 3 1/2 weeks of concerts, outdoor movies, and other family fun, AND with some pretty big names (Feist, Al Green, and Ira Glass to name a few, plus the improv group born out of MST3K's cast.) We went to see one of Corey's professor's band last Wednesday, hung out in the beer garden with friends on Friday, and we're going to see an outdoor showing of Ghostbusters on Tuesday and Jurassic Park next Sunday.

I'm planning to get back into the swing of writing regularly once we're back from Italy. I'll definitely have some interesting concerts to talk about and hopefully an exciting trip in general. I'm looking into getting tickets to the Book of Mormon while we're in New York.

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