Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween History

I was a little bummed that we don't have Halloween plans for this year, so I threw together a sweet collage for my Facebook cover photo showing some of my favorite "costumed" moments from my past.

They aren't all Halloween (I am crazy for theme parties) but they are some of my most shining moments in costume. Left to right we have:

1. Emo highschooler. This was from a college theme party. The theme was emo. (I know, you wish you were as cool as me and my crew.)

2. Hipster Ariel. Last Halloween the Hipster Disney Princesses were huge, though a guy at the bar scoffed at my sign. We were at a microbrewery.

3. Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne. Halloween '09. Best. Couple Costume. Ever. And probably the last one I will ever get. Corey hates dressing up but he does a mean Ozzy impression.

4. Snooki. From my girl Justina's Jersey-themed bachelorette party. I'll let you guess whose idea the theme was.

5. Bond Girl. I chose a classic 60s look for my friend's Bond-themed birthday last January. Again, if you're my friend, easily swayed, and having a party, odds are, it will become themed.

My costumes are rarely DIY. Instead I try to build them out of pieces I already own or new pieces I will wear again. I can't stand spending $40+ on a piece of crap that will barely last the night. I may spend $10-15 on specific accessories (or $20 on an amazing zebra print dress on clearance) but the rest is totally street-ready. For example: with the Ariel costume, the corduroy skirt is totally work-appropriate, and the top is cute for working out. The Sharon outfit is just suit separates, and the dress from the Bond Girl is a bridesmaid dress. I also find that this method of costuming keeps one from dressing too slutty. Not that I'm against such things, it's just, my days of skimpy Halloween costumes are long over.  

That said, Happy Halloween and Happy Anniversary to my rockstar husband! 10-30-10!

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