Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Waiting Game

My last post was about two job interviews I had back on 9/23. One was for a political campaign, the other for a serving gig. Currently, I am neither canvassing nor waiting tables.

The campaign interview went fine, but I think they sensed I was not crazy about the idea of canvassing, especially by myself in a city that I don't know very well. They never called me back which kind of annoys me. If you actually took time to meet with me, why would you not even call to say "thanks, but no thanks?" (It could be because the guy who interviewed me was an Ohio State fan. Boo.)

I turned down the serving job. I shadowed a server for a few hours on a slow night, and all my repressed anxiety from my previous (and disastrous) serving job came flooding back.  I called the next day and told the manager "thanks, but no thanks." I figured that if I need a temporary gig to make some kind of paycheck before I find something stable, I will stick with what I know (read: retail).

However, since then I have had three interviews with a local private school for a campus manager position. It's a great job with awesome benefits and a salary that will keep Corey and I living comfortably. It's a non-profit school, so I would consider the job a real career move as opposed to just another bill-paying job. I feel really good about my prospects it since everyone I have met (five people in three interviews and a shadowing) has been so welcoming and encouraging. I had my third interview on Monday, and I'm still waiting to hear from the HR manager. I didn't get the impression that many people made it to the third interview, so I am cautiously optimistic. I'm debating whether to email the HR director on Monday night if I don't hear anything by then.

In other news, Corey and I have been attending some awesome performances lately, and I realized I haven't written about music in a LONG time, so I am preparing reviews of an outdoor installation piece, UT's New Music Ensemble, and a CLUTCH concert (UT's student composers organization). Bonus: we celebrated our anniversary a little early by seeing The Book of Mormon on Wednesday. (Spoiler Alert: It was AMAZING!)

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