Monday, September 23, 2013


Tomorrow's schedule contains two job interviews, neither of which have anything to do with my currently defined career path.

The morning interview is with a political campaign. I received a phone call from the manager who received my resume from a charity I applied to several weeks ago. I didn't get that job, but this campaign is in need of a field organizer for canvassers. I've coordinated volunteers before, but I have NEVER worked in politics. I agreed to the interview, and immediately called one of my best friends who used to be a campaign organizer and is currently a union organizer. She helped me figure out what questions to ask and how my experience relates to the position. I love having friends in so many career fields!

The out-of-the-blue phone call was very welcome since I have yet to find a job, but I'm nervous. I think the interview will go fine, but if I'm offered the position, I hope I can handle it. I've never even considered working in public policy. However, it's only temporary, 6 weeks exactly, and the board of directors is a well-connected bunch. If I can pull this off, it would be a huge opportunity for me.

In the evening, I will be "testing out" the idea of serving at a cute sandwich and pizza place three blocks from our apartment. I happened to come across an ad on Craigslist for servers and bartenders, and I recognized the name from driving past it all the time. I figured it would be a good way to bring in a paycheck while I keep the career search going. My last experience serving was not great, but it was a management issue and not lack of effort on my part. I stopped in last week with my resume and the owner asked me to come back and shadow for an evening.

So still no calls from non-profits, PR firms, or university admin offices, but public policy and food service are interested in me. Go figure.

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