Monday, September 16, 2013

Working Title

I've been making a lot of changes lately to Redhead Records, and it occurs to me that the name of the blog may sound a little disconnected from the theme. When the blog was called Married to Music, and I wrote almost exclusively about concerts, the theme and title made perfect sense, but I now feel I railroaded the transition to a career and real-time memoir without much explanation.

@RedheadRecords started out as my Twitter handle. I thought it was a cute play on words since I was "recording" my thoughts and I was a huge music fan and I love nothing more than well-placed alliteration. I also had one obvious identifier: my hair.

I started tweeting in 2009, and by that time I had been a redhead for nine years. I started coloring my hair red when I was 13, and it was immediately my most recognizable feature. My hair color has been a huge a part of my identity for my entire adult life, and I fully embrace it. People remember me as "the Redhead." I've had many nicknames based on it, tons of compliments, and only a few crude questions from guys in bars. Obviously, once you get to know me, I'm more than my hair color, but I don't mind being initially identified by something I'm proud of. It makes me feel unique and memorable. (Also, it doesn't hurt that it makes me stand out in job interviews and at networking events.)

I chose to use Redhead Records as the name for my blog for the same reasons I chose it for Twitter. Being a redhead is who I am, just like being a music enthusiast, a career nerd, and a wife are also a part of who I am.

Redhead Style

Redhead Style by laurenbcunningham on Polyvore

(Watch for my upcoming Redhead Beauty series on

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